Sharath Srinivasan

Most of today’s youth think that Success means only a high-paying and significant position at a job but forget that real success is job satisfaction with good health and work-life balance. After graduating from a prominent University in London Sharath Srinivasan joined a reputed company as Software Developer and quickly climbed the corporate ladder in India. While giving a presentation to a client suddenly he collapsed and when admitted to the hospital it got revealed that he had a brain hemorrhage caused due to high blood pressure and the chances of survival were just 40%. Doctors declared that even if he survives then his body will still be paralyzed and he cannot even speak. It all happened due to the corporate stress faced by the young software engineers who become workaholics in order to meet deadlines of projects and in this process totally neglect their health conditions.


Sharath was working for 16 hours a day even during weekends as he was motivated by the incentives, perks, and promotions the corporate company kept giving him. He became too ambitious and wanted to achieve more and more even at the cost of his health. After undergoing the surgery with his brain open and remaining in a comma for 3 days, he was in the hospital for 36 days, and once back to Hyderabad he was bedridden for 3 more months. He cried inconsolably often because he became zero and turned to nothing within a short span of his successful career. His parents supported him in all ways that gave him hope to recover. He had two options in front of him, one was to accept this as fate and live accordingly other was to get up once more and fight his battle of faith which he chose.


His comeback journey was all due to his meditation of Vipassana and switchover to the spiritual life. He kept a 3-month target every time himself, and he even ran a 5 km marathon. He was a right-handed person and at the age of 28 learned to be left-handed as his right hand was still paralyzed. He slowly began taking on a daily routine like eating, bathing, etc., and started learning the alphabet and numbers in the next 6 months of his transformation. He started celebrating every small success story and realized that he was getting more and more reasons to celebrate in his life with each day passing by. He understood that a positive mindset can do wonders and that loving oneself is the most important gift that anyone can give to themselves. He is thankful to his parents, colleagues, friends, and the blessings of poor people.

Sharath Srinivasan