Hafeez Basha

There are incidences where the today’s youth when they fail in love are getting into depression, becoming alcoholic, getting addicted to drugs or committing suicide; and are even resorting to crimes such as acid attacks, rape, murder, etc. hence spoiling both the lives. If the same youth puts that energy and aggression in a positive way and in the right direction that will lead to a successful life. Hafeez Basha is one such youth who was very shy during his engineering, got rejected by a girl from his class, failed in his subjects, separated from his friends and isolated himself at college. At one point of time he decided not to quit but to fight back, he identified his strengths, intensified his activities and focused on his career. He even became a researcher to keep himself busy and stay away from pessimistic thoughts. Eventually he found true love to whom he got married.

He was sponsored by his corporate company for Masters and later did his Ph. D in Japan with full scholarship from the Japanese Government. He was also rewarded with Dean’s Award for Research Excellence during the convocation. At the age of 30 years he returned to India and became an Academic Leader. He went on to serve as Advisor / Expert at the prestigious Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), was invited by 80+ institutions of repute including BITS-Pilani, NIT-Karnataka, NIT-Rourkela, etc. to deliver Guest Lectures, and visited 13+ countries till date without spending any money from his pocket. In fact he simultaneously did Job, Higher Education and Entrepreneurship while most of them choose any one. He is presently producing start-ups from student ideas at Osmania Technology Business Incubator, Osmania University and is inspiring many.

Mr. Venu K. Kodimela, a leading journalist who earlier worked as editor at Deccan Chronicle, now as a freelancer, wrote the biography of Hafeez Basha named “CHASER – On a Journey of Transformation” which is made available at: www.chaser.co.in

Hafeez Basha